How To Get Traffic To Your Website

I put together this video to go over a few ways to get traffic to your website. Watch the video because I’m showing you these sites and explaining how things work.
The formula is simple, you sign up for the free sites and upload your banners and links. This is a “set it and forget it” action! Even with My Lead Gen Secret; email and walk away! You can make the banners in Canva. Depending on what you’re promoting, you may have DFY banners. I know that GDI and My Lead Gen Secret give pre-made banners. Boss Babe Collective does this too.
I recommend you start with the $5 Traffic Club because you can share that link then get paid $5 instantly when someone joins, you get the website, and the discount codes for other traffic exchange sites. I’m not going to list those sites because I want you to get the discounts!
Now if you want to turn this into a little side hustle then this is what I suggest:
Sign up for $5 Traffic Club and all the free sites. If you can swing the $60 set up fee then $30/mo for My Lead Gen Secret then add that too. Write a quick guide about using traffic exchange sites to get traffic to websites. Your affiliate links will be in the guidebook. Join affiliate marketing advertising groups on Facebook. You’re going to target affiliate marketers and give them the guidebook for free.
Thanks for watching the video!
WiFi and Pajamas YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@wifipj
WiFi and Pajamas Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wifiandpajamas
WiFi and Pajamas Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/WiFiAndPajamas
WiFi and Pajamas Instagram: https://instagram.com/wifiandpajamas
WiFi and Pajamas TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@wifiandpajamas
$5 Traffic Club: Use the coupons in the members area https://5dollartraffic.club/wifipj
Diamond Ad Clicks: https://diamondadclicks.com/index.php?r=WifiPJ
Fast Forced Profits: https://fastforcedprofits.com/?id=Wifipj
My LeadGen Secret: If you join this please show me proof of payment and I will send you email templates that you can use and you can sell for 100% of the profits. https://www.myleadgensecret.com/sizzle/?rid=11854
Facebook group for My LeadGen Secret: https://www.facebook.com/groups/401152090474473
LeadsLeap: If you do not have techy skill OR you are not willing to learn this is NOT for you to use. If you have the skills and you ARE willing to learn then go for it. There are tutorials on YouTube that are better than what’s in the back office. I do recommend you upgrade to Pro: https://leadsleap.com/?r=wifipj
My Traffic Daily: https://www.mytrafficdaily.com/splash/?wifipj
Pro Traffic Club http://www.protrafficclub.com/index.php?r=wifipj
Free Advertising for You https://freeadvertisingforyou.com/index.php?r=Wifipj
Super Affiliate Funnel: https://superaffiliatefunnel.com/?aff=14641&src=ReplaceMe
Can you share a link? Sure you can! This affiliate program is packed full of great training you can use NOW and is easy to promote: https://olspsystem.com/join/1354697